Ausgewählte Studien:
Ausgewählte Studien:
- Ieran M., Zaffuto S., Bagnacani M., Annovi M., Moratti A., Cadossi R.: Effect of low
frequency pulsing electromagnetic fields on skin ulcers of venous origin in humans: A
double-blind study. J Orthop Res. 1990; 8: 276 - 282
- Itoh, Montemayor, Matsumoto et al.: Accelerated wound healing of pressure ulcers by
pulsed high peak power electromagnetic energy (Diapulse). Decubitus. 1991; 4: 24 - 25
- Kenkre JE., Hobbs FD., Carter YH., Holder RL., Holmes EP.: A randomized controlled trial
of electromagnetic therapy in the primary care management of venous leg ulceration. Fam
Pract. 1996; 13: 236 - 241
- Salzberg CA., Cooper-Vastola SA., Perez F., Viehbeck MG., Byrne DW.: The effects
of non-thermal pused electromagnetic energy on wound healing of pressure ulcers in spinal
cordinjured patients: A randomized, double-blind Study. Ostomy Wound Management. 1995; 41:
42 - 44
- Stiller MJ., Pak GH., Shupack JL., Thaler S., Kenny C., Jondreau L.: A portable pulsed
electromagnetic field (PEMF) device to enhance healing of recalcitrant venous ulcers: a
double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Br J Dermatol. 1992; 127: 147 - 154